EthnoKino presents: Visible/Invisible

  Rintu Thomas & Sushmit Ghosh, Indien, 2021, OV/e, 92 Minuten

Writing with Fire

In a cluttered news landscape dominated by men, emerges India's only newspaper run by Dalit (‘low caste’) women. Armed with smartphones, Chief Reporter Meera and her journalists break traditions, be it on the frontlines of India's biggest issues or within the confines of their homes, redefining what it means to be powerful. „The most inspiring journalism movie – maybe ever“ The Washington Post. Winner of the 2021 Sundance Audience Award: World Cinema Documentary & World Cinema Documentary Special Jury Award: Impact for Change.

Schutzmassnahmen im Kino

  1. Einlass ins Kino nur mit Covid-Zertifikat.
  2. Im Kino stehen 2/3 der Plätze zur Verfügung, wir haben Kapazität für 75 Besucher*innen.
  3. Im Kino gilt eine Maskenpflicht.